knock! knock! whos it? EXAMS !!
When children shout and play out in their vacations, when and people are romancing out on the streets and enjoying with the friends, engineering people are busy practicing diagrams for their exams tomorrow. Tired eyes, hurting back and cramped legs with an icing of mental tiredness turns into an effective recipe for exhaustion. Mother says “You scored 82 % in twelfth, why have to fallen 30 below?” We have no answers. Still we won’t surrender. Having a wobbling faith on the seniors who guided us and the seniors who were guided by some more such storytellers, we continue to march for the exams. Someone said - Just draw diagrams and a bit of scribbling below it ( any lyrics will also do) , you will gain sufficient marks ( at least pass!) . So we are all practicing diagrams (we just scrib it, promising ourselves we will draw neatly in exam.) All the semester we slept, but at the last moment we are AWAKE! We won’t budge for we want to ...