religion vs atheism !! Who wins?

                         No!! No!!..I wouldnt be talking of anna hazare's fast or the how to uproot terrorism just like everyone provides their own solution after a bomb blast that burns a hole in your emotions and they helplessly recover after a certain time nor those things which you read every day news just explained from different angles.. I promise I would rarely blog on these topics..
                       Lets connect with our inner-selves..
                       How many times have you asked yourselves some questions that you haven’t found out any answers till date or you had a confusing having faith on something...Just like this one…
                              " TO BE RELIGIOUS OR TO BE NOT(Atheist)?? "
                       From the childhood elders had kept ringing to keep us follow the path of religion, to believe in god and go according to the rules of our religion.. When we grew and had our own brains some couldn’t move out of the assurance of religion… 
and some went for rationality…turning atheist thinking that religion curbs their freedom…

                      Religion was misunderstood by billions of atheist people through the mankind history…Let me explain what I mean about it..

  Religion was developed by extraordinary thinkers(saints) ..The motive was not to curb the freedom or to lock a person in particular thought…but help man to live a really beautiful life..
                   Every religion…Hinduism, Islam , Sikh , Christianity and each and every religion that exists in the world was meant to upgrade a man’s life and not to degrade it..
                    Let’s take a few examples that we follow and answers that are rational behind it....
                       Wearing bangles improves fertility in women (acupressure), and applying red tika(only kunku(vermilion) n not any other substance)is medicinal n improves functioning of pituitary gland and regular menstrual cycles …

Praying improves concentration and help u relax (just like meditation), touching elder’s feet improves blood concentration towards the brain…In Shravan month according to hindu calendar nonveg food is not taken because it’s the mating time for fishes.. Believing in a universal power improves faith in ourselves...Suryanamaskar (google it) is the ultimate exercise and nothing can compare it because of its power to keep u protected even  from the most dreaded disease throughout your life time even if u do it for 10 mins daily...  Festivals to bring people closer … 

In Islam, circumcision is done for the sake of hygiene..  ..You see nothing is bad !! and nothing is going to curb your freedom..

Sikhs wear turbans since it protects the temple and acupressure certain points on head….

                Due to limited scope I cant give more examples.…but, u can find it out just like time you come across any such religious practice just don’t ignore it..try to understand the hidden meaning behind it because it has some..and if they dont have just eliminate them..Every religion is equally precious and show a great way of living..nothing is to be misunderstood..
                Non desirable Practices like sati ( women had to kill herself after her husband dies), untouchability , women infanticide , Fanaticism, terrorism, regionalism  were all developed by the middlemen(for their own benefit) who acted as religion propagator all these ages..and what we finally after all these years got a worst impression of the modified religion…

                Why would a person who developed this religion for the sake of us would do such harm by a few rude practices..
                 If we think from the roots they are for our benefit..What we need to finally understand is to keep a balance between the religion and the practical nature we follow today… 
                  Religion vs science ..nobody wins.. because they are both the same thing..
                 Anything in excess ; not good..
Perfect way of living – Be a RELITHEIST !! :D
Keep smiling !:)


  1. good work..makes u start thinking..:)
    keep it up..:)

  2. Nice ... have u read "angels n demons " ?? U wil get more on dis topic..nicely descrbd ..god vs science ..its epic in there. :)

  3. Hey, That is really good one.....
    I think in the same manner....
    After reading your blog i got some extra points....
    Thanks a lot...
    Keep it up.. :)


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