words and deeds...

I have came across a lot of inspirational books and movies in my life..Whatever I found interesting I just wrote it in my diary..

I decided to share a few excerpts with you..These are all beautiful statements that really will teach you something about life and that it is not just about clouds of depression...
nor its ups ands downs..

Its about the beautiful feeling when you slowly rise from the realm of darkness..Its not about the bright day..

Its about the brightening dawn and the thin bright line at the horizon that will tingle your hopes to happiness and joy..

   *  Always think that change can be something BETTER too.

*Believe in living in PRESENT rather than thinking of the PAST.

*The FEAR you let build up in your mind is WORSE than the situation that actually exists.

*When you change what you BELIEVE, you change what you DO.

*Do what you LOVE. LOVE what you do.

*A BEND on the road doesn’t mean an END on the road.

*The best way to learn is to TEACH.

*We receive from the life not what we want ,but who we are.

*Doing the SAME things and expecting DIFFERENT results is the definition of insanity.

*The only thing you can expect from the life is UNEXPECTED.

*Always use WINNING words while you talk, INSPIRE them and be a  UPLIFTER for others.

*Avoid getting IRRITATED by life, keep your head COOL & just FLOW with it enjoying its every MOMENT.

*Maybe you want a dream that’s too expensive or difficult. Start working to   make this dream come true, POSITIVELY.

*Do not get DISCOURAGED by wicked or DEPRESSED because of events not happening properly bcoz they are happening for YOU.

*Its hard to believe we live in the world where most people are MORE CONCERNED with the FOLLOWING CROWD & doing whatever everything else is doing than LIVING their own DREAMS.

*On our DEATH-BEDS no one wishes that they had MORE MONEY in their bank accounts or a bigger car sitting in the driveway. Instead as we take the last few breaths ,we wish that we had lived a life that was COURAGEOUS,AUTHENTIC and HIGHLY LOVING!

*When you ASK god for love,  he gives you OPPORTUNITY to love, not love
When you ASK god for victory, he gives you OPPORTUNITY to win, not victory
When you ASK god for money, he gives you OPPORTUNITY to earn, not money

*We never get what we expect in life, so stop expecting & work hard for it. you will surely get what you want. ALWAYS unexpect things.

*If you believe you will fail you always attract reasons ,so do work without any complaint.

*FEEL good..that’s the only way of getting out of depression.. 

*DO what you want in life..It can be anything you like and passionate about.. don't become a competitor..Stay Unique.. There 's no parameter that can measure your potential.. 




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