Why you so lonely?

“Man arrives alone in this world and leaves alone from this world.”

Is a popular quote and despite knowing the fact we always want people around us to love us, to interact with us and we like to socialize.


Suddenly one day your best friend ignores you in the way you aren’t expecting it. Or maybe the group laughs and you feel suddenly a sheath around them separating you away from their conversation. Or you feel partial when your mommy treats your brother in a different way than you. Or maybe the whole class has scored more than you and you feel inferior. Or you may have no one to talk to and feel a void in your heart. Or maybe you come across an album of your friend on facebook enjoying with a group at some hot location and you spend all your vacations alone…

This is what happens…always with us and a moment comes when we find ourselves alone from the world which gradually turns into a gloomy feeling, finally landing in the common dark feeling called “Loneliness”

I always wanted to know why this happens. Are the circumstances around you always responsible? Or are you dependent upon others to decide your feelings?

When we were a baby we had absolutely no idea about anything and would be happier spending all the time alone playing all around with our tiny fingers or just keep looking at the ceiling. Did it really matter to us? Who talked to us? Or who is doing what? A golden phase.

And now that we have grown up we have started socializing, building relationships and fighting as if it is the duty of opposite person to paste his love upon us. Finally expectations loom and drag us back to the darkness of Loneliness.

“Expectations bring loneliness,

But faith brings back the togetherness”

And that we have found out the root cause, it is time to lift ourselves back and replace our expectations with faith as it should be concluded that ‘understanding and stronger bonds develops from trust’ and ‘self destruction develops from expectations’.

It is time to become baby once again…


  1. Loneliness shud b seen for it's brighter side too , sometimes..all u need is passage of time , away from world, to let ur mind settle down , to let go of all negative thghts . :):)

  2. Correctly said Prathamesh..totally agree!

    1. nice post ! very very factual ..loneliness is felt by all of us no matter how much we are accompanied by people. It is the ones who we expect from to be giving us importance ,who erase loneliness out of our lives !

    2. Thank u bro.. hav a great day


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