The matter of small things

Many a times we do tend to overlook certain things. 
A bigger fight usually doesn’t start big. Its starts with a bud until it blossoms into a full fledged poisonous flower scratching off that clean image of your relationship.
A morning fight starts just out of sheer frustration from not finding your notebook to not finding your socks to the heat all soaking you in sweat; and the final result is – You end up with a battle with your loved ones. And believe me many of the bigger fights come out of rage, frustration or may be you just need to vent your anger out. You will surely feel better for a second but believe me, it comes back and snaps you harder. The topics change. 
When we realize it later it was not at all necessary, we try to mend it.
 We don’t know that we are just chopping off the branches of the tree we had grown a few minutes ago.
While it has established it’s roots so strongly it becomes difficult for you to solve the fight. And that’s why they say “Prevention is better than cure”.
So ask yourself before you vent out your frustration “Is that really necessary?” You may keep quite. When you have settled with your short tempered head ,you may react calmly looking things in long term rather than short term. 

99% of the problems in our life start from the small issues
And the innocent big ones are always blamed.  If only we could make our life better…


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