Confessions of a fresh engineer

Finally became an engineer today. But if you ask me to write a program I learnt in my first year, I give you a strong guarantee that I will disappoint you.

My grandmother dreamt of all her grandsons becoming an engineer because she used to see engineers of her time striding in khaki clothes, eyes covered with gold specs and little boys in underwear running behind their ambassador car whenever they passed along the lane. A bungalow, a car and servants were the assets they possessed. 

But little did my innocent grandmother know that time changes and folds off everything. The dream passed down and reached us. We were expected to be engineers and we did, under the emotional approach that we can’t let down our parents. 

The programs, electronic mesh diagrams and the mathematical concepts pushed my brain limits to hell. The day had finally dawned after so many years. Time is a relative concept and you don’t have to learn it. We just feel it when four years seem like four minutes.

The hell is over, but little do I know that another hell shall be waiting if I don’t take the control of my life. Some have the concepts that money and passion don’t go together. May be I have remained ignorant that money follows happiness and happiness follows passion.

The life will flow me as if it is my destiny. It will take me to a job and then in for a marriage and then climbing the corporate ladder and then fighting for more and more limited money, then finally regretting after retirement that I didn’t do things I wished.
That life was all of a playground and I sat quietly in the corner of it dreadfully  and that when the park is about to close I regret I lost whole of a day when I could have played around. Just by the fear that the slide will hurt me or that I would fall down from the see saw , not knowing how much fun it would be.

I became an engineer, the thing my grandma wished, my parents wished but what I wished? It is something different. The joy of grabbing what you not want is different from joy of grabbing what you want.

But, I would have known nothing about me if I hadn’t done engineering. Thanks to this gruesome profession to teach me what was important in life, to know what is light I had to go in the dark. To know that if I go where everyone goes I shall remain a mere goat slowly moving into a slaughter house  and that concept of a preordained life is a mere myth .

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  1. Congrats on becoming an engineer; This post is really beautiful, I'm also doing mech. engineering n hope it turns out well :D bst f luck

    1. Thanks bro..keep visiting this site for more exciting posts. n best of luck for ur engg future

  2. Congrats buddy... You have done it :D


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