Why your child isn't still a genius!

Where have all those children gone, who were once termed very bright for their small age. We were surprised at their capability of reciting Hanuman chalisa till the end. We predicted if their grasping power and intelligence grew at the same rate their IQs and aptness will rocket through the roof of heaven.

What I found after ten years that the same children who were now in their teen age had already resorted to alcohol and smoking. They were frustrated with their life and those once termed geniuses failed even to get 35 in their academics.

If you are proud of your cute niece who is mastermind , it is definitely a good news. But, the bad news is that simply being a genius in the childhood doesn’t conclude their success in the future. I am always surprised by this kind of pattern that happens in everyday society. I am sure you must have seen the same.

So does their intellect evaporate or it is a medical science which says ‘A lot of brain cells are destroyed as you transit to adulthood’? Their brain cells definitely don’t die. Growing from the infant stage it interacts with lots of things in the environment. The brain records each and every activity it encounters. As soon as it finds something pleasurable, it is motivated to do more of it . May it be sketching, science related experiments or socio-economic related topics. 
Interests may vary which will also depend upon the environment being able to convince whether it is interesting or not.

There are thousands of cases where a boy started taking interest in mathematics just because his professor was successful in changing his attitude towards it. It is definitely possible.

Is it ok to conclude that children should be left to live the life the way they want? Probably not, because even if it happens so a certain kind of insecurity dreads in the corner of your heart as a parent. If a child finds stealing pleasurable should it be left as it is by parents thinking it is just his choice?

After brain storming and going through all the researches done all over the years, the only thing is could say is forcing , resistance, scolding and punishing are all the cruel forms of guiding a child .These things definitely feel good in short term . But, if you measure its effect in long term,a danger definitely hovers the future. And that’s why you will mostly find the drunkards, rebels, violent ones, Casanovas in the families holding conventional traditions with a rod in their hand.

 A mental capacity is molded through all the experiences it undergoes throughout life. Not just what once it possessed in it's childhood determines it.

A child definitely to be guided . He should be shown a way and made aware about the consequences if he chooses that path. But, to forcefully make him walk over it just because you feel it is right one(from your experiences) debars the opportunities for a child’s own exploration.

Allowing him to make mistakes seems appropriate. To let him wander before he finds a route is perhaps the viable thing. Of course it is all scary.That is how a life grows and expecting a child to grow without failing, violates the basic principle that ‘ To rise you have to fall’.

May be as we are not here forever, next time he is alone, you won’t be there when the child faces a disaster. It would be better to think in long term and make him strong now itself on it’s own heels, instead later regret, after a storm in his life has already shattered him to pieces. 


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