5 Engineering Myths Busted!

Don’t think me as a guru or mentor. I am just your senior friend trying to help you out. I am sure this will save your life !

Myth #1: If you are an exam ranker you will be recruited first; then your fellows !

Your friends start acting weird just before exams. The corridors choke with jealousy. The silence within your group is not often of the exam pressure but the feeling that you might surpass them if they help you. You also don’t want others to benefit from the notes you yourself created.

If you are all steaming around like this, stop now and help each other to pass the basic criteria which is mostly 60% and at the most 65% in big companies . You won’t be tested by your rank but your aptitude, your soft skills and how you sell yourself. Read books and surf for developing these skills. You will definitely thank me later for you will impact 1000 times more even with basic technical knowledge than that of the bookworm sitting in front of your bench.

Myth # 2: Every engineer graduate gets minimum Rs.35, 000 pay scale and keeps increasing forever.

Well, not everyone is lucky in campus recruitments. Sorry to sound hopeless. Most of the fresher engineer graduates I have asked work in the pay scale of Rs.6000 to 12000. You may feel I am exaggerating the fact. Company saves a lot of their expenditure by employing experienced one rather than a fresher who only knows the theory which they have studied overnight.
At times they also prefer private certified technicians who are a lot cheaper than a fresher.

You can still increase your chances hugely by doing internships, industrial visits and doing practical courses from professional institutes. This is the only way I know. That cramming theory and attending lecture hardly helps.

Myth # 3: Post graduation is compulsory!

If you don’t want to do it, why do it? Practical education is the highest form of education. You will be immediately in demand if your resume is packed with the practical experiences (that’s a promise). Companies are so selfish that they just want to know what you will be of use to them. So prepare that way. They don’t care about your life.

Some students just can’t afford PG fees. It doesn’t mean they have will have lesser pay. I told you what you need in the first and second point itself. I am not against post-graduation but don’t make it like gulping down a lump of dry grass just because everyone is .

Myth # 4: You can’t change your carrier during or after engineering.

If you feel you don’t have a passion for engineering then you can take a leave. I know it is easy to say difficult to follow but, when you get a drop, sit at home and finally anticipate your results for next sem! It turns more dreadful. 

A friend of mine frustrated by this education dropped out and opted for another course where she is a topper. She knew her heart wasn’t in it.
You relatives will say. “Woah! That is the only thing you going to do all your life!” It’s not true. I have friends who have turned professional photographers, professors, business men and actors. Well, they are all engineers and they are all earning handsomely. We might not like the notion of continuing the same.

Myth # 5 : After Engineering do MBA  or MS and you will have a beautiful life ahead.

I don’t know who said it. We all  fear failure out of our beliefs.We think, what we are thinking is not the secure way. But , the fact is as you get out of engineering every one including aunts,friends and parents will bombard with suggestions they feel are correct but as a matter of fact, keep believing yourself… your theory !! And that is going to save you. Not your degree.
Education it seems has turned into a business and that is the fact I always hated. We have lost the most integral part of our self. Belief ! If you believe something chase until you attain it. Every one has different definition for success!You should have your own. If you don't then even a Phd degree cant save you.

There are lots of things to say, you will come across frustration before success in every part of your life. But, the only thing that will matter is whether it is your passion? Or just because everyone did it!

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