Fasting unto death with Android

"Soon silence will have passed into legend. Man has turned his back on silence. Day after day he invents machines and devices that increase noise and distract humanity from the essence of life, contemplation, meditation" -Jean Arp 

Facebook , Android phones and PC games have clogged my brain. My knees hurt and I get pissed off by face to face conversations. My relationships are in a turmoil .My belly is no longer flat and has begun to show curves. My eyes? Oh! they are showing red nerves. 

I don’t want to miss out a single notification .I get easily disappointed when that faceook notification is a game request. I just can’t wait to check my watsapp every minute. My wrists pain when I play motion games even while I cross the road and then curse the car driver who almost hit me for not being alert. It feels my surrounding is an illusion and I tend to live in more of virtual reality which is infact for me a reality. 

Thumbs weren’t designed for fast movements yet I managed to override nature .I have lost all the common sense and the ability to think for myself. And google for foolish questions like " How to toast a girl?"

I am……… ALONE.
So I have decided to give it up all. Life seems as if it can’t manage without all these electronic crap. I decided to do e-fasting and I have got my life back.

E-Fasting means you abandon all the electronics for one day every month so that you regain your balance with your own conscience.
I am now able to think more clearly, understand my goals and 200 % more efficient at any work.

 My relationships are back on track since; nothing can replace face to face conversation.

I get more time for myself and find life fulfilling.

I read books and no longer look into my electronic crap every minute.

   I can now 'THINK!!' instead of disabling my brain with google.

Everyone should try e-fasting for one day or more if you want to experience the benefits for yourself.
Do these two steps- 

1. Turn off your android phone and switch the sim to a normal phone made only for calling and sms .

2. Deactivate your Facebook account.

All these for a minimum 50 hours.And lo! Win back your life. Everything will slowly dawn upon your mind. 
There is no day better than today. So resolve to put off your phones from tomorrow. 
Like this page here and share your experiences on this page. Many people have tried this and gained a meaning to their life.You will too.


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