I have come to a realization that I can only write blogs if I feel strong enough about it. And this is one such topic I shall brood.

If you ever ask what is the biggest mistake of our life? It’s “pleasing others”. From long time in order that a person can fit himself into the society and gain acceptance he pleases others even if it goes against his will.

Mother told Harshada that she should be pursuing medical studies so that she can make her proud in front of all the relatives, when her only interest she felt was in mass communications. But, as a matter of fact her habit of saying “Yes” to everything came into picture.  Only so that the relatives could be happy she drove himself against her passion and pursued medical side. What was to happen? She suffocated like her head was forced into a bucket of water. 

She managed to make her happy at the cost of herself. But, she never knew one day she will writhe in pain just as a fish suffocating on a terrestrial land. She finally drove herself to suicide.

The art of pleasing is often a curse. It benefits them at the cost of your destruction. You sell your self esteem for free and become nothing less than a bathroom rug.

My friend Manish came to me for a girl’s advice. He loved that girl so much, that he did everything that she said to him. He tried to please her in every way so that he could hear that magical “Yes!” from her. He laughed at her every foolish joke. She asked for mobile recharges, excused him of not having money so he could pay bill during pizza dinners. She even went to length of asking him to write her hefty assignments. The funny part was when there would be no work she would ignore him. Manish was badly disturbed and was under heavy dose of emotional drive. I asked him to stop moving behind her a like a dog. 

Miracle happened.With his increased ignorance came her attention. It questioned herself whether she no longer looked pretty and returned back craving for Manish’s attention. But, he continued his ignorance and finally she felt for him. She proposed him. But as a matter of fact he rejected her. He knew she wasn’t the one.

There are countless examples some of which you can derive from your own life!
Often you say no to society and people around you . And you earn yourself hefty profits, win true friends, lead an example and live a life of freedom. And these people include Einstein, Columbus,Mahatma Gandhi & business tycoons like Rockfeller .

In surge of pleasing others people marry the wrong person, choose different carriers, strike a bad business deal and sloth like a cattle all their life? 
Why? When just one “No” can do things. Accepted it doesn’t look better at that moment. But, we are the animals of instant gratification. 

We want quick money, quick success , quick learning and quick acceptance.
But this is not living at all !!! As a matter of fact have having self belief always works. No one on this earth has born with the correct way of doing things. It’s simply their way of doing things. And when you say yes to these suggestions , your future potential begins to rot.
So stop being a Mr./Mrs. Nice and live the way u believe for you don't want to be following a horde of goats slowly proceeding inside the slaughter house.

“You have only one life to love. Live as if one is 


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